A Divine Light: The Spiritual Leadership of Jonathan Edwards is the latest installment in the Leaders in Action series. Jonathan Edwards was one of the leading religious leaders of his time. The senior pastor of the most influential church in New England at the age of twenty-six and a powerful preacher in his own right,…
Live spontaneously. Be who you are. Hang tough. Be curious. Take a siesta. Through a collection of delightful vignettes, author and dog-lover extraordinaire Maggie Bonham shares the lessons she s learned from beloved dogs. Dogs live in the moment, forgetting yesterday s slights and not worrying about tomorrow s plight, but finding joy and contentment…
Insights, ideas and activities for discussing with students what Jewish People have to say about Israel. A step-by-step guide to creative use of A Dream of Zion: American Jews Reflect on Why Israel Matters to Them in the classroom. Each session includes: A clearly stated goal An opening hook to grab students’ attention Intriguing discussion…
Discover what Jewish people in America have to say about Israel—their voices have never mattered more than they do now. As anti-Israel sentiment spreads around the world—from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to former President Jimmy Carter—it has never been more important for American Jews to share their feelings and thoughts about Israel, and foster a…
This work is not addressed only to scholars of Judaism or theologians, but also, and primarily, to all Jews and non-Jews who would like to share the thoughts and struggles of a person who loves Torah and Halakhah, who is committed to helping make room for and celebrate the religious and cultural diversity present in…
A comprehensive guide to meditation for people of all faiths, from the best-selling author of God Is a Verb. The only complete nonsectarian guide to meditation, A Heart of Stillness is a comprehensive guidebook to its basic principles and practices. By showing the way to what mystics have experienced for thousands of years, David Cooper…
We all are growing older. A Heart of Wisdom shows us how to understand and meet the challenges of our own process of aging—and the aging of those we care about—from a Jewish perspective, from midlife through the elder years. How does Jewish tradition influence our own aging? What are the tasks and the meaning…
A must-read for Hemingway enthusiasts A Hemingway Odyssey contains never-before-published interviews with people who knew him and observations of the special places he frequented, thus revealing how powerfully the waters Hemingway loved influenced his writing from his earliest days to his last novels. Wherever Hemingway went—in Michigan, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Key West, Cuba, or…
An in-depth look at the Christian scriptures—from a Jewish perspective. On Christmas day 1925, Rabbi Stephen S.Wise, one of the twentieth century’s most influential Jewish leaders, gave a lecture at Carnegie Hall in New York City titled “A Jew’s View of Jesus.” He argued that Jesus, in fact, existed, contrary to popular Jewish opinion at…
Sixty-Five Prescriptions for Lasting Love “Intimacy is the experience of closeness that brings joy to life. It’s the bottom line of what we want out of our relationships.” ―Daphne Rose Kingma Fall in love and stay in love. Whether you have just fallen in love or are celebrating your silver anniversary, A Lifetime of Love shows you…
“‘A covenantal vision of life, with mitzvah (divine commandment) as the central organizing principle in the relationship between Jews and God, liberates the intellect and the moral will. I seek to show that a tradition mediated by the Sinai covenant can encourage the development of a human being who is not afraid to assume responsibility…
What is Jewish men s spirituality? In today s world, is it necessary? A provocative look at how a new generation of Jewish men can grow spiritually, and in doing so, strengthen the intangible bonds of family, love, duty and truth which ultimately lead to God. It unearths the male stereotypes that exist in Judaism…
Governor Ed Rendell explains why America s leaders rarely call for sacrifice for the greater good—to avoid making any sacrifices themselves! Rendell has seen job security become the primary consideration of any person with power in America—their own job security! Most politicians and bureaucrats can see no further ahead than the next election, sometimes no…
A Fresh Approach to the Second American Revolution Called America s second revolution by some historians, the Civil War produced many changes that went far beyond military matters. In many respects, a different nation emerged from the conflict than the one that entered it. Professor William Hesseltine accurately described the war as the fiery crucible…
Find inspiration for a satisfying spiritual life of practice through the combination of contemporary mindfulness meditation and classical Hasidic spirituality. The lessons in Kedushat Levi were not originally intended as intellectual curiosities or as demonstrations of R. Levi Yitzhak s brilliance. They were meant to inspire religious passion and deeper spiritual practice. I believe that…
Find inspiration for a satisfying spiritual life of practice through the combination of contemporary mindfulness meditation and classical Hasidic spirituality. The lessons in Kedushat Levi were not originally intended as intellectual curiosities or as demonstrations of R. Levi Yitzhak s brilliance. They were meant to inspire religious passion and deeper spiritual practice. I believe that…